They prefer planted tank with open areas for swimming and they enjoy having fine gravel substrate to dig in. Pygmy Corydoras Catfish : These are the smallest among the Corydoras, and they grow up to 1 inch long. Like corys, harlequin rasboras are hardy and non-aggressive. In addition, there must be enough space so that they can hide and escape during the necessary growth periods. Corydoras trilineatus Fish Searching for Food on Aquarium Bottom Generally, you should be able to keep between two and four cory catfish in a 10-gallon fish tank. Corydoras are really good community fish which is kept with a bunch of different types of fish because they stay relatively small, they are also very peaceful and not aggressive at all plus they stay at the bottom of the aquarium. Albino Corydoras Albino Corydoras. Add driftwood, alder cones, or catappa leaves to help lower the PH of the water. Cories are another tried and true community fish. Maximum Size: 1. The three miniature Corydoras species are the checker cory (C. habrosus), the dwarf cory (C. hastatus), and the pygmy cory (C. pygmaeus). Albino Corydoras (which are the colorless form of the Bronze Corydoras, Corydoras aeneus) is a friendly, peaceful Corydoras that is extremely hardy. They work well in the 10-gallon tank. Aquarium-grade sand is specifically designed for use in aquariums and is safe for all fish. Tetra Shrimp Wafers 3. Older female corydoras tend to grow even more, which extends up to 3 inches in length. Timothy Paine Scientific Name: Chromobotia macracanthus Also Known As: Tiger Loach Adult Size: 12 inches (30 cm) Lifespan: 15+ years Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallon pH: 6.5-7.0 Hardness: 5-12 dGH Temperature: 75-86 Fahrenheit (24-30 Celsius) Tankmates: Keep with others of its own kind. #2 They are Adaptable. Certain cory catfish will be too big for tanks of this size. In fact, I have put three different Corydoras species on this list. Bottom feeder tablets, shrimp pellets, and algae wafers are also good choices, although being omnivorous means they will accept flakes, as well. Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons; Cory Catfish. As a schooling fish, it spends its good moments swarming with its companions, instead of harassing other tank-mates. What Makes An Aquarium Plant Suitable For Cory Catfish? 2. For the schooling to be active, keep between 5 and 10 of them. Most small Corydoras species can be wedged into a 10-gallon tank, but a couple of dwarf species really stand out as being ideal choices. 3. Many other rasbora species are also compatible with corys and each other. They will grow up to 3.5 inches, so you can keep your green cory in a minimum 20-30 gallons of tank. The number of cory catfish to keep depends on the breed, available space, and whether there are other fish species around or not. 8. Cryptocoryne Parva 3. These aquarium water temperature should be 68F to 82F and recommended is neutral pH (5.8 - 8.0). The goal is to acclimate the fish to their new water's chemical content. What do corydoras need in their tank? They are busy little creatures and are a joy to watch. In this video, I give you the best fish to keep with corydoras in a community aquarium!The 7 fish listed in this video are,1. In addition, make sure the pH levels in your tank are stable. Since Loaches like to . Endlers3. Nevertheless, Corydoras in shades of brown find it easy to camouflage in the substrates, protecting themselves against predators. Calvus Cichlid (Altolamprologus calvus) 2 Pairs. We'll discuss what makes an aquarium plant suitable for your cory catfish and which plants are best to include in your tank. Below is a list of 36 different types of Corydoras (with photos) found in the fishkeeping hobby, both rare & common. Pick an easy-to-breed species like C. aeneus to have the highest chances of success. Ensure the tank conditions are optimal. Panda Corydoras Image Credit: tarzan1104, Shutterstock. Bear in mind that all Cory's are very social fish, therefore they must be kept in groups of 6 or more. Harlequin rasboras are another peaceful, colorful species that make excellent tank mates for cory catfish. 06 of 07 Skunk Cory The Spruce / Shirlie L Sharpe The Pygmy Cory ( Corydoras pygmaeus ), or Pygmy Catfish, is a small freshwater fish from the Corydoradinae sub-family. Marimo Moss Balls 6. Now Playing. Further, the average size of a Cory catfish ranges between 1 to 4 inches (2.54 to 10.16 cm). Cory Catfish also seem to really enjoy a tank with lots of live plants. A shoal of 6-10 Corydoras catfish is ideal for community tanks as well as larger aquariums where they'll have more room to move around. Anubias nana will thrive in high light and normal substrate. Lots of live plants keep your water quality in check. With most tropical fish species, including cories, I recommend serving them an amount they will consume in three (3) minutes (or less) when feeding them two (2) a day. In general, Corydoras make excellent tank mates for Red Cherry Shrimp. Wardley Fish Food and Accessories 5. There's a reason that Endler's Livebearers are so common: they're beautiful and don't take any more effort to raise than guppies. Chili rasboras . . Tannins. How Much Do You Feed Cory Catfish. They are a great choice for a peaceful community setup with other similarly sized tropical fish. #4 Easy to Breed in Captivity. Below you will find an overview of some of the most popular corydoras species for the community freshwater tank: Adolfo's Corydoras (Corydoras adolfoi) - This species of corydoras has a light-colored body with a black dorsal fin and a black line running through the eye and long the base of the tail. Cheers Conor A alto Member Joined 24 Dec 2014 Messages 6,228 19 Nov 2018 #4 One consideration with Panda Cory's - even tank bred seem to prefer lower temperatures 72 to 77F (22 to 25C Seriously Fish sparkyweasel Member Joined 30 Jun 2011 Messages 2,490 Next up, we have the cory catfish. The success rate will be lower because other fish might eat the eggs and it's harder to trigger the fish to spawn in a community tank. Sagittaria Subulata 8. Sterbai corydoras can handle a wider pH range of 6.0-7.5. Cory Catfish tank mates include most community tank fish as long as they are non-aggressive and friendly in nature. Smooth sand is the only substrate that should be in a cory tank, and the sand should be the only substrate, i.e., not as a "cap" over soil or something else, as cories filter . So, they are one of the most commonly found fish in the aquarium. They don't attack others. 1. They should be offered plenty of hiding places. Ram cichlids ( video source) are tropical fish that need high water temperatures, so make sure their tank mates are compatible. Cory catfish need about 2 inches of aquarium space each. For them to feel comfortable and safe they need lots of plants and places to hide. All are truly tiny, reaching maturity at just about an inch (2.5 cm) for females and about threequarters of an inch (19 mm) for males. As a general rule, the calculation for how many fish can go into your tank is 1 inch of adult fish per 1 gallon of water, making sure to take 10% of water off for gravel, decorations etc. Written by Hemant in Fish Species, Cory Catfish Corydoras are the most common bottom dwellers that aquarists prefer to add to their community tank. 4. . Conclusion Cory Catfish are popular aquarium fish because they are easy to care for and get along well with most other aquarium fish. Daphnia and bloodworms are excellent treats. Easily the most recognizable of the Loach family, clown loaches are active and colorful fish, but they can . 1. 1. Fluval Bug Bites Granules for Bottom Feeders 9. Corydoras are schooling fish that have a very hard time living alone. Anubias nana is a hardy plant that can live in a wide range of water parameters and conditions. Neon Tetras Neon tetras are always a magnificent choice for community tanks, except for some special cases. Place a little hiding spot in the tank. The hardiness of . But otherwise gets along well with cichlids, catfish, barbs and loaches of similar size. Shrimp wafers are always going to be one of the best choices for corydoras and other types of bottom feeders. I have some salt and pepper coy's (Corydoras habrosus) and they are perfectly mellow and tend to congregate in a . The panda corydoras are one of the better ones for smaller tanks, but more space is always better for every animal. Vallisneria 5. This article covers how many Corydoras you can put into different sized tanks. They grow up to 1.75-2 inches long, and they can fit six or more in a 20-gallon tank. Lobelia Cardinalis 4. . Small tetras2. They flourish with dim light, and they cannot have larger fish than tank buddies. An ideal ratio for breeding is 2 or 3 males to one female. The following are the best fish for a 20-gallon tank and how many can fit inside: The 8 Best Fish for a 20-Gallon Tank 1. Aquarium-grade sand can be found at most pet stores and is relatively cheap. Only add half a cup each time, making up for a small quantity of water. The best freshwater fish for planted tanks include Cory Catfish, Neon Tetras, Guppies, Rasboras and Loaches. Corydoras Catfish Tank Mates The peaceful temperament of Corydoras makes them perfect for community tanks. TetraPro CoryWafers Complete Diet 8. Live aquarium plants provide cover and hiding places for the fish to rest. Habitat: A Cory Catfish is a bottom dweller, so it's a good idea to keep at least 2 inches of aquarium gravel or substrate on the tank bottom. Required Tank Size: 5 Gallons+. 1y I breed corydoras and a few things have worked for me. This can be something super simple like a large plant or a cave of some sort (broken coconut shells are great for corydoras). Compatibility: Small peaceful community. Keep in groups of six or more specimens. Corydoras catfish are a small, peaceful bottom dwelling catfish that are very social and love to school. They are a small bottom-dwelling fish that is excellent at the scavenging of leftover food, thus ensuring an overall cleaner and healthier aquarium. Honey gourami are peaceful and relatively hardy, and you can keep a pair of them easily (or more, but it's best to only keep 1 male in the group, as they can be a bit territorial with other males when spawning). Rams are small, shy fish that can be kept in community tanks with the right tankmates. Tankmates: Peaceful, best kept in schools with other smaller fish Pepper Corys are perhaps the most commonly kept member of this family and are widely available at pet shops everywhere. Ideal if you want cory catfish fry to grow fast. Stick with the popular species like skunk cories, salt and pepper cories, panda cories, (false) julii cories and (especially if you want a good sized school in a 20 gallon) pygmy cories, and you'll be fine as far as aggression goes. As always, keep them in a group of six or more. Here are 20 fish to keep with mollies: Guppies Playts Danios Tetras Dwarf Gourami Swordtails Angelfish Cichlids (certain species) Endlers Minnows Snails Shrimp (certain species) Cherry barbs Corydoras Catfish Harlequin Rasbora Planties Rosy Barbs Yo-yo Loaches . Another, somewhat easier way to look at . Mollies can be peaceful tank mates with many species of fish. Albino bronze corys are solidly built little cory catfish that get a little larger than most other types of corydoras. You've mentioned peppers (C.paleatus) salt & pepper (C.habrosus) & pygmy (C.pygmaeus) all are dfferent species, if you're wanting a small bottom dwelling cory the C.habrosus would be suitable as C.pygmaeus spend a lot of it's time in the middle levels. The shoals spend a lot of time foraging around the bottom for food and 'playing' with each other. If you also keep loaches in your aquarium then this food is ideal for both species; just be sure to put enough in for both fish. They are super-small schooling fish which can perfectly adapt to the presence of any fish in a captivity tank. However the ideal number of these fish is 15-20 per group. These are the smallest and most beautiful Cory catfish species. While they are hardy fish, if the temperature or pH is too high or low it could stress them out over time. Even in times of stress, they'd much rather hide than cause any trouble. They need to have at least 5 others of their own species in the tank. Diet: Anything. Otocinclus. They are quite shy and generally won't bother other fish, so there shouldn't be any issue between them and your corydoras. Bare bottom tanks are also often used as breeding tank setups. Bronze corydoras catfish Below you will find a list of tips for setting up a breeding tank: Select a tank about 20 gallons (75 US Liters/90 UK Litres) in capacity, ideally with high sides. Behaviour: Considered a semi-aggressive fish when alone in a community tank, it is best to keep them in groups of at least six or more. Aqueon Shrimp Pellets Fish Food 2. They look like little plecos, and they stick to the glass and decorations in a similar way. Reactions: tlindsey and jaws7777. But, unlike plecos, they stay small and you can have a group of a dozen or so in a 20-gallon tank. Breeding cory catfish in the community tank is possible. It is necessary to feed them with smaller foods. In captivity, sinking pellets are the best Cory catfish food to mimic their natural wild diet and allow them to be scavengers. Anubias nana. Blyxa Japonica 7. RAINBOWFISH A really large female may top an inch and an eighth (28 mm), but that's . Gets rather large, 15-20 cm/6-8 inches, so will bully weaker fish and eat very small ones. Breeding cory catfish in a community tank is fine if you don't . If you can get a bigger tank go and do that. Territorial species of fish will need double the space, so 1 inch of fish per 2 . They are peaceful and hardy fish, making them the perfect choice for beginners. Leave the bottom of the breeding tank bare and decorate sparingly with large rocks and broad-leafed plants. Panda Corydoras Panda Cory A small cory fish that does well in shrimp tanks. API Fish Food Pellets 7. Top Shrimp Tank Mates. Tank Setup: Freshwater, sandy with hiding spots. This is important because Corydoras also breed better in groups of at least this size than in pairs or small groups. When feeding your fish one (1) serving a day, offer them what they can consume in in five (5) at most. Once the 15 minutes have passed, empty approximately 50% of the bag water in a separate container (not in the tank) and then use a measuring cup to add tank water to the bag. Maybe let my kids handle the decorations and just spend some time with them. It is best to keep just a pair of these stunning cichlids unless you have a tank of 40 gallons or more. Most cory cats can live just fine alone but do best in groups of 3 or more, which is perfect for a 10-gallon tank. Unlike many other species of fish, Corys tend to do better when there are more males in the tank than females. As long as they have their safe group, they should be bothering no one. The most popular varieties in the pet trade include the bronze cory and albino cory (Corydoras aeneus), panda cory (Corydoras panda), emerald green cory (Corydoras splendens), and pygmy cory (Corydoras pygmaeus). They are relatively peaceful and can be kept in groups of 12-16 fish or two pairs in a 55-gallon fish tank. Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons. They are schooling fish who need to live in a group of at least six, although they prefer 10-20 friends. Omega One Sinking Shrimp Pellets 6. This fish is a bottom feeder, and a rough substrate like gravel may hurt the beautiful fish and cause serious health problems. The best electric blue acara community tank mates include: Larger tetras; Barbs; Corydoras; Loaches; Plecos; They have even been safely kept with larger invertebrates, including dwarf crayfish and nerite snails. #3 Dependable Cleaners. 1 Cory will need approximately 25 square centimeters which equals to 3.87 square inch. This is because this type of tank is easier to clean and the waste will be sucked up by the filter more easily. P . Keep corys in groups of five or more to experience their endearing schooling behavior. Ian Fuller, who knows more about Corydoras than most anyone else, is against any sort of "plant" substrate, and from the experiences of many of us, it is sound reasoning. The first is Corydoras habrosus, which gets to about 1 inches in length. The Roseline Torpedo Shark is one of the best schooling fish for a community tank because it is peaceful and friendly to other tank-mates. 18. Corydoras panda will more than likely be tank bred so should be even easier to keep and breed. It is also the perfect size for these fish and will not be ingested. Bright, colorful, and varied. Cory's will need a pH between 7.0-7.8. The best type of sand to use for a corydoras tank is aquarium-grade sand. The water PH level should be between 6 and 8, and the temperature between 75-78 degrees Fahrenheit. Zebra Barbs (Puntius johorensis) Water temperature: 73 to 77 degrees F; Water pH: 5.8-6.3; Adult size: > 4 inches; Tank size: 30-gallon for a group of 5 Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma agassizii) - A carnivorous species, Agassiz's dwarf cichlids do well in community tanks as long as they aren't kept with other Apistogrammas or fish small enough to be seen as prey. Most aquarists report that a pH level . But yes, we do recommend six more of these. Sardine Cichlid (Cyprichromis leptosoma) 12 - 16. 8. A tough, greedy fish best suited to jumbo community tanks. #1 Easy to Keep. Pygmy cory catfish are one the smallest species of corydoras and love to swim in the middle of the tank, not just the bottom. They will require the exact tank conditions that cory catfish require to live, making them an ideal option for a cory catfish tank. These are some of the most common fish available for aquarium enthusiasts. They are peaceful and get along with virtually all fish, but should not be kept with large aggressive species. With so many species of cory catfish, we chose our favorites for each category: size, cost, looks, and more! Buy corydoras at with . The panda corydoras are more at $5 level. If you're going to add Corydoras catfish to your tank, then you have to make sure the water conditions are good for them. 4 Reasons Why Your Aquarium Needs a Cory Catfish. With sharp ridges of gravel substrate, the delicate barbels get damaged and become weak or eventually fall off. 7.0 is the perfect pH level for bettas. Callichthyidae. [5] Panda corydoras, albino corydoras, bronze corydoras, and peppered corydoras prefer a pH of 6.0-7.0. Otos are cute little shoaling fish, and among the best algae eaters for smaller tanks. Otocinclus Catfish, Tetras, Swordtails and of course other Corys can be a good fit. The wafers are ideal for keeping the tank clean as, unlike some other foods, won't cloud the water. These wonderful Lake Tanganyika cichlids make a great addition to any Lake Tanganyika aquarium. Corydoras paleatus (pepper) Cordydoras aeneus Scleromystax barbatus has my vote in case your tank gets below 65F due to no power. However, as they are bottom dwellers fish, providing them with their ideal substrate requirements becomes essential. 4. Best Food for Corydoras Reviews of 2022 1. AquariaWise is a participant in the Amazon Associates program and a few other affiliate programs and may earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. If you have a 20-gallon tank, make sure to house at least five cory catfish. Corydoras are the perfect addition to any freshwater community aquarium. Sweet and unfussy, these fish are not a problem when it comes to aggression. Also, this species can go a bit cooler down to 70F (21C), so it can hang out with coldwater fish like hillstream loaches and dojo loaches. Echinodorus Tenellus 2. Care Level: Beginner. Corydoras Catfish have sensory barbels or little whiskers, which they use to search the tank bottom. Corydoras do best with a pH of 6.0-8.0. Like other Corydoras, they are schooling fish, so keep them in a group of six . Heavily planted tank. They can be kept in a large community tank along with other fish, like Tetra, Cory Catfish, and Gourami. Dwarf . If you're looking for a cichlid-tank setup, then here are the best compatible cichlid species for your electric blue acara: Severums . Endler's Livebearer. 4-6 of the same species to increase the chances of having at least a male to multiple females. Pygmy corydoras prefer a pH of 6.4-7.4. Micro Sword 9. Generally speaking, corydoras do great in groups of 5-6 individuals with at least 1 male present. Hikari Sinking Wafers for Pets 4. Bare bottom tank for Corydoras Bare bottom tanks (tanks with no substrate) are especially popular amongst breeders. Green cory will make an excellent combination with other fish in a community tank. Method 2 Assessing the Other Fish in Your Aquarium 1 Consider the temperaments of your other fish. Cory cats will bring movement and excitement to the bottom of your tank as they dart up to the surface for a gulp of air. I'm looking into settinging up a planted low maintenance tank with peaceful community type fish. Cory Catfish tank mates can also include filter feeding shrimp such as Bamboo Shrimp and fan feeding shrimp like Vampire Shrimp. Wait 15-20 minutes and introduce your new Cory's into the tank. This means that some fish will do pretty well in small tanks like this while others will not. Grows to 2.5 inches in length Corys also thrive when there are more males than females. 9. These guys are the perfect beginner fish. 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